Thursday, December 27, 2012

It is with a great deal of sadness that I must tell you that we have decided to close down the website after just one day of the survey.  2/3 of the players indicated that they would not even pay $3.00 per month to play on the site. We needed the money to continue to pay for the server costs.

The results of the survey was after I had a bingo tournament with 36 players, so we obviously did not mean anything to the majority of players.  For those that agreed to pay the $3.00 - thank you!

I have met some many great and wonderful people because of this site, and for that I will always be thankful.

Thank you for playing with us for the last two years.  Please remember my motto: "Be kind to others."

Bye for now.
Sir Bingo Bob
a.k.a. Brian Massie

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

With the new year quickly approaching we have to ask ourselves what we are going to do with the website.  The decline of bingo in Ohio and in other States have made us wonder if the website has any meaning at all to players and bingo operators.  We can say that we have awarded prizes and coupons to bingo players in excess of $250,000 in the two plus years we have operated the website while we have collected only a few hundred dollars in revenue.

However, we cannot continue to offer the free site indefinitely.  Please answer the question on the new survey posted today.  We will have the survey open until January 21st, and the results will tell us how to proceed with the website.

Thank you,
Sir Bingo Bob

Monday, October 29, 2012

Bingo Closings - Ohio & Virginia

I have been informed that American Legion Post 234 will not play bingo on October 31st and ACO will not play on November 4th.

Due to the storm headed their way, Christ the King bingo at Interstate Bingo in Norfolk, Virginia will not have bingo tonight. (Monday, October 29th)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bingo Idea-

It is technically possible to play bingo in the same manner that Keno in a casino or a State lottery is played.  That is, a player can buy cards for a bingo game to be played some time in the future.  A player does not need to be present at the time of the bingo balls being called, but could determine on-line if they have won.

As a security measure, a player could receive the bingo cards in advance of the game being played and would be given the bingo numbers called and the order in which they are called.

Please answer the new poll question shown on the right concerning this new bingo idea.

Thank you,
Sir Bingo Bob

Friday, September 28, 2012


Join SBB on Saturday (9/29) at 9 pm in the tournament room.

We will use the Doubler format for a one hour tournament.

The pot will double each 15 minutes. 200 / 400 / 800 / 1000

The bonus will be set at 500 / 1000 / 2000 / 3000

Hope to see you for a fun filled hour of bingo!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Walmart Bingo Tournament

The Walmart Bingo Tournament promised for this week will have to be held next Saturday (10/29).  SBB has internet connection problems at home.  Time Warner will not be able to make service  call for one week. (What service - SBB may have to look at other supplier).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

WalMart Texas Holdem Tournament

We will have a poker tournament with the Grand Prize being a $25.00 WalMart Gift Card

When: Sunday, September 2nd at 12:00 pm (Noon)
Where: Poker Tournament Room

Calling all poker players - join me for a poker tournament and win lots of points if you are good and lucky ----- or lucky and good.  LOL

1st place - 50%
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 10%
4th place - 7%
5th place - 5%
6th place - 3%

Pot points will start at 100,000.  Buy in will be 5,000 +5.

The player that knocks Sir Bingo Bob out of the tournament wins an extra 10,000!

Hope you can join me!