Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Internet Cafes in Florida

Here is a link to a recent story about Internet Cafes in Florida. Copy and paste it to your Internet browser address line:,0,6464885.story?page=1&utm_medium=feed&track=rss&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20orlandosentinelbreakingnews%20%28Orlando%20Sentinel%20Breaking%20News%29&utm_source=feedburner

Battleship Bingo Board

Want to play Battleship Bingo with us?  You can find a blank game board by clicking on the "GAMES / Battleship Bingo" tab in the main menu.  It is a .pdf so everyone should be able to print out the page.

The blank game board is used to record the "hits and misses" by the players. It will help you identify the location of the ships on the Chat Host's game board.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trivia Question for 10,000 points

I am amazed that famous people can use just a single name and we would know them. Examples are: Elvis, Cher, Bono, Beyonce, etc. The same is true with couples: Sony & Cher, Ozzie & Harriet, Romeo & Juliet, Brad & Angelina to name a few.  Did you ever wonder how last names came into being?

The first player to tell me in a comment the last name of Adam & Eve (those of the Garden of Eden fame, LOL) will win 10,000 points.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Universal Truths from Moms - Words to Live By

I was thinking about "MOM expressions" that have become part of our everyday lives.  They are so true regardless of the generation, culture, background, religion, financial status, or political affliations.

1. " Treat people as you would like them to treat you." (Golden Rule - I think mothers started some time ago)

2. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first start out to deceive".  - source unknown - probably a Mom a few centuries ago.  Amazing how this is so VERY TRUE today.

3. "You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool Mom". - source: Captain Penny (Ron Penfound) but he probably got it from his MOM.

4. "If you have nothing nice to say about some one, then do not say anything" (obviously from a very political correct MOM that was ahead of her time)

Do you have any "MOM Expresssions" you would like to share with us?

What Do Bingo Players Want?

The results of our poll so far tells me the following about what bingo players expect from a bingo game:

The majority of players will travel more than 15 miles on Friday evening to attend a bingo game  that has perceived honesty and integrity in their operator and game.  A friendly caller that maintains control and runs a smooth game is integral to the success of the bingo game. 

A bingo hall must be clean in appearance, reside in a safe and secure neighborhood, and have friendly volunteers, without their hands out for a tip, to keep players coming back to the game.  The players are also looking for high paying pull tabs and large payouts per game with less emphasis on the large jackpot games.

Ask yourself if your bingo hall meets those criteria.  If it does not, why are you spending your money?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


As a take-off on the old "You sunk my battleship game", we are going to try a bingo game with a similar theme.  At 8 pm tonight in the Speed 2 room, we will play "BATTLESHIP BINGO" for one hour.
 Here is how it will work:

The Chat Host will have a board that has a matrix of letters and numbers. [A - O & 1 - 15] The board has 3 Rowboats, 3 Tugboats, 2 Cruisers, & 2 Battleships.
The winner of each bingo game (multiple winners allowed) will give the Chat Host coordinates.  For example, A -6, G-15, J-2
If the letter and number given hits a predetermined spot on the board that player wins 1,000 bonus points (considered a torpedo hit). The last player to hit the square representing a ship will win the following extra bonus points.

Rowboat has two squares and wins 1,000 points.
Tugboat has three squares and wins 2,000 points.
Cruiser has four squares and wins 3,000 points
Battleships has six squares and wins 10,000 points

Please join us for our inaugural cruise.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Team Bingo August 31st

Here are the teams so far for our Team Bingo night on Wednesday, August 31st at 9 pm:

Team #1 : pepsi / teamnewsome/ kathbass
Team #2 : mrssteelmill / jackiejo61 / lilpaktnt
Team #3:  sarge11 / sashley / caseygirl
Team #4: coffeefeen / cole / jm1022
Team #5: ginger / freda / chevy
Team #6: mrs898 / captbob / mitcsm
Team #7: donnakay1945 / jewel / freeascanbe
Team #8: ret2cruz / kjsgrand / dawness2light
Team #9: mzsexy / jbaby09 / deb43605
Team #10 mamawkittycats / earlybird / catsands
Team #11 bingodiva / maplecitypunk / bingosinmydna
Team #12 joyceann1 / mickey123 / cjtrmt
TEam #13 flmomof3 / sis / missy11

We will only be able to handle 20 teams of 3 players each, so get your teams to me as soon as possible. If a teammate cannot play on Wednesday, you can get a "pinch hitter" off your bench. The Team Captain may inform me before game #1 starts and I will add the replacement player to your team.

Email with the players on your team.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We plan to have our first scheduled Team Bingo session on Wednesday, August 31st at 9 pm. We would like players to select their own team members. There will be up to 3 players per team. Please email no later than Monday, August 29th at 9 pm with your team members.

We will post all teams on the blog by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, August 30th.

The tournament will be played in the Team Bingo room listed under the "Progressive" link.  We will play as many 10 game tournaments that we can in one hour.   Each team member will win an extra 1,000 points for each tournament win.  The team with the highest total score at the end of the one hour will win a bonus of 5,000 points for each team member.  In case of ties, we will split the points between teams.

To add even more fun to the tournaments, we will also have Team Trivia.  The first team that correctly answers the  trivia questions will win an extra 200 points that will be added to the team's point total.

Hope that you and your friends can join us.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Private Poker Party Available

If you want a private poker party for just you and your relatives or friends, just email

Tell me the game you want to play (Texas Holdem, Omaha, Omaha Hi Lo, or 7 Card Stud), and if you want no limit or pot limit wagering. Also, I need the date and time you want to play the game.

I will create the password protected poker room and send you the password via email. You will be responsible for notifying your friends about the game. All players will have to be registered with and have a valid email address.

This is a free service to all members of Rewarding Players is our Business!

Hilltopper Weekend Bingo

Be sure to check the winners' list on (click on the On-Line button) for the prizes to be collected Saturday, August 20th & Sunday, August 21st.

You may print out the list and bring it to the hall to claim your prize.  The hall operator will also have the same winners' list.

Email me at, if you have any questions.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Omaha Poker Tournament

New poker tournament has been scheduled for all of our players.
When: Finals are Saturday, August 27th at 7:00 pm
Game: Omaha No Limit
Prize: 100,000 to be split by the top 10 finishers.

There will be 10 qualifying tournaments / Top 3 places qualify for the finals:
1. Saturday 8/20 at 9 am
2. Saturday 8/20 at 9 pm
3. Sunday  8/21 at Noon
4. Sunday 8/21 at 7 pm
5. Monday 8/22 at 8 pm
6. Tuesday 8/23 at 7 pm
7. Wednesday 8/24 at 10 pm
8. Thursday  8/25 at 9 pm
9. Friday 8/26 at 7 pm
10. Saturday 8/27 at 9 am

Players that qualify must register to play in the finals. Good luck to all.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Honesty & Integrity in a Bingo Hall

Our player's opinion poll indicates that the #1 factor players look for in bingo hall is the honesty and integrity of the operator and in the game. What does this really mean? Here is what it means to me:
  1. Operator must have open and transparent communication with the players . Operators must say what he or she means and means what he or she says and follow through with what has been already committed.
  2. Treat all players equally and fairly.  NEVER play favorites. Allow equal access to all pull tab games.
  3. NEVER change a game or payout structure that has been previously given to players. Do not change the rules during the playing of the game.
  4. Never accept tips from a player for giving them a winner. It's is illegal in the State of Ohio.
  5. Treat all players with respect. (The Golden Rule still applies!)
Please add your ideas of what honesty and integrity means by adding your comments. You may add your comments anonymously.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hilltoppers Weekend Bingo

Please "like" the Hilltoppers Weekend Bingo on Facebook. We have created a new Facebook page for HWB.  Type in Hilltoppers Weekend Bingo in the search box to find the page.

We will be posting the weekly winners and their prizes to the Hilltopper's website. Please visit and click on the "On-Line" bingo button in the main menu. You will find the weekly winners and their prizes listed.  You may print out the winner's list and bring that to the bingo hall to redeem your prize. The bingo operators will have access to the same list so there should be no surprises of who won what.  If you do not see your name listed, please email and we will check it out for you.

Player's Coupon Choice Room

We are working on a new coupon concept that, hopefully, will be more appealing to the players. The idea is to create a "Coupon Store" that allow players a greater selection of prizes for their favorite bingo hall.  

The Coupon Choice room will be closed until further notice. It will be replaced by a "points only" tournament.

Thank you for playing on-line with us.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Want some of Sir Bingo Bob's money?

We think our bingo consulting team can help a bingo operator improve their game.  If your current bingo hall is losing players and  about to close their doors, have them contact us before they "throw in the towel".

For every meeting with the decision maker in the bingo hall you get for us, we will send you $50!  If we can convince the operator to use our bingo computers, we will give you $1,000 as a referral fee.

However, if your bingo operator is unwilling to change, provide incentives for players to attend their games, or compete in today's business environment then I am sad to say your favorite bingo hall is not long for this world.

Fast Wizard's Bingo - Holland, Ohio

Toledo, Ohio players -  GREAT NEWS

Fast Wizards Bingo will be starting again Sunday, October 2nd. Stay tuned for more announcements about their reopening.

Hilltoppers Bingo Hall

If you have not been to Hilltoppers bingo hall, you owe it to yourself to try them out.

They play in a premier bingo hall at the Brookridge Party Center, 7460 Brookpark Road, Cleveland. Get off at  Ridge Road on I-480 

They play Saturday / Doors open at 4:30 pm / Game Time 6:30 pm and
Sunday / Doors open at 9:00 am / Game Time 11:00 am

This Saturday they will be giving away $500 in door prizes!

If you would like to try them out send me an email ( and I will send you a coupon.

American Legion Post 234 New Location

The American Legion Post 234 has moved to a beautiful new bingo hall. Their new address is: Copper Top Restaurant at Cherokee Hills Golf Course, 5740 Center Road, Valley City , Oh 44280

If you need to contact them: (330) 225-6122, or email  Their website is

Joe and Dee, the bingo operators, are wonderful people and deserve the support of our bingo community.  They play every Wednesday, doors open at 4:30 pm and early birds at 6:30 pm.

If you want to try them out, send me an email ( and I will send you a coupon for $5 off a buy in package at the door.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

New feature

We have added this blog to enable us to better communicate with players registered at  Players will be able to express their opinions on questions that will be asked from time to time, and will be able to make comments for everyone to review.

Team Bingo

We have started a new 10 game tournament format. Players will be placed on teams, and points won by individual players will be added to the team score.  Each player on the  team with the most points at the end of the tournament will win an extra 1,000 bonus points.

We have created a Team Bingo Room (under progressive link) and the room will only be open when we play the tournaments.