Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trivia Question for 10,000 points

I am amazed that famous people can use just a single name and we would know them. Examples are: Elvis, Cher, Bono, Beyonce, etc. The same is true with couples: Sony & Cher, Ozzie & Harriet, Romeo & Juliet, Brad & Angelina to name a few.  Did you ever wonder how last names came into being?

The first player to tell me in a comment the last name of Adam & Eve (those of the Garden of Eden fame, LOL) will win 10,000 points.


  1. Trick question They had no surname so it was just Adam and Eve

  2. the only reference thati know of as a last name for adam is in luke 3:38 and it says Adam , which was the sn of God. Lat names were not used in the bible people were referred to being the son of whoever.

  3. There is No answer to that!!

  4. Divinity was Adam and Eve's last name.

  5. Adam and Eve's last name is Paradise.

  6. Adam and Eve's last name is Eden.

  7. Adam and Eve's last name is Garden.

  8. Thorn was their last name.

  9. Baseball was their last name.

  10. No one in the Bible has a last name (edit: except jesus christ..). The convention is X son of Y or sometimes a first name followed by a place "Eliyahu HaGiladi" , the Prophet Eliyahu is identified by his place, Gilad.
